
A Serialized Climate-Fiction Audiobook

Written and Read by Scott A. J. Johnson

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Works Cited

Abbey, Edward. 1975. The Monkey Wrench Gang. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. 1919. Proceedings of the Third Biennial Convention of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, held in Baltimore, Maryland, May 13 to 18, 1919. n.p.: Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Andreoni, Jeffrey. 2016. “Sarantaporo Residents Create Commons in Rural…

Oct. 1, 2016: In Minnesota, Along Nation’s Roadways, At Pipeline Hubs, Elsewhere Along Pipelines, Chicago’s Rail Corridor, High-Voltage Transmission Line, & End Game – Episode 25

In Minnesota “Hey Dan!” called a voice from his doorway. “Check this out! CNN is saying the power grid is going to be struck by ecoterrorists! You know CNN’s motto should be ‘Making a Mountain out of Molehill’. Their source is twitter. Ha! Hey Dan, are you alright?” Tom, from the next office, was staring…

Communication, Across the Distance, Structures, & Neighborhood Stockpiles – Episode 22

Communication The more we can simplify a communications system, the more likely we are to be able to retain it in a world without fossil fuels. While many of us get enjoyment from resource-intensive communication networks today, we’ll have to prioritize the information we send in the future, seeking the simplest methods to share information.…

Hunting Meat, Transportation, & Curbing Automobiles – Episode 21

Hunting Meat “It isn’t done lightly and I don’t enjoy it,” he would respond, “but if I am going to eat meat, I think it shows respect to the animal if I am willing to take responsibility for my choice.” Transportation The more we can reduce the need to travel long distances, the more we…

Agriculture, Industrial Crops, Nat’l Disaster Prep., & Materials – Episode 20

Agriculture Agriculture today appears to be an industrial-age marvel, but this masks a dark secret: it is a complicated, fossil-fuel-dependent industry that delivers an unhealthful product to the public. Industrial Crops That fall, after returning from the meeting, Glenn had been hard at work with both the organization and his own research. As the critical…

Damn Dam – Episode 19

Damn Dam “That could work,” said Eva. “Or better yet, we could belay someone down on a line who can put the charges between the gate and the trusses and another charge on the hinges. If we can dismantle the door, the water will wash it down and out. Plus we have to drop the…

Sustainable Generation & The Nuclear Problem – Episode 18

Sustainable Generation Our social conventions must shift to celebrate those who live simply and within their means instead of those who waste our common resources. Most of our personal electrical choices fulfill wants masquerading as needs. In the majority of cases, simpler means are available to complete a task. By making hard choices and sacrifices…

Energy Generation; Coal Plant, Fired; & Mining Problems – Episode 17

Energy Generation In some cases, we can see a right way to harness this power, but in many instances, these resource are best left untapped because their side effects outweigh their benefits. Coal Plant, Fired Bret laid out the idea he had been thinking about since their hike: a coordinated sewing of explosives into open…

Places: Infrastructure, Bear in the woods, & Energy – Episode 15

Places: Infrastructure The earth has no stake in our survival. We can either live as part of this world or burn ourselves out. This is the choice we have to make. Bear in the Woods “It said that we had won a Crime Against Nature award since we put down a bear and sent two…

Unseen University – Episode 14

Unseen University “Alright, let go of the second line.” Josh’s heart started to beat faster. “Um, okay.” The tow-line dropped away beneath him. “Now, take the knife and use the belt cutter on your webbing.” Josh thought his heart was racing before, but he could feel it about to burst through his chest. He was…

Education, Another Class, & Population – Episode 13

Education For millions of years, humans and our ancestors have learned from the previous generation, but only in the last century have we had to suffer through an industrial education system. Another Class “Since I am the benevolent dictator, I will decree that the ‘most beneficial human society’ is one that coexists with other systems…

Writing the Manifesto, Equity, & Community Meetings – Episode 12

Writing the Manifesto “We haven’t committed real crimes yet,” Eric said. “Speak for yourself,” said Eva. “Showoff.” Equity It is rational to fear the loss of these things because in our current system they denote security and stability. Unfortunately the underlying system is about to be destroyed, either through a controlled and voluntary revolution or…

The Economy, Monopoly Man, & Banking and Finance – Episode 11

The Economy It is entirely possible that we could reorganize our economy so that each person can be involved in a wider variety of tasks, perhaps even working in each of the three sectors. This may sound like regression, but human beings are not made to perform a single task every day for their entire…

Undermining Government Credibility – Episode 10

Undermining Government Credibility “Did these imaginary thieves have a time machine, too?” Ecoguerrillas is a serialized climate-fiction audiobook written and read by S. A. J. Johnson, now on to iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify, Audible, YouTube, and other podcast apps. Supporters can get early access to each chapter by subscribing to the project on…

Cities & Governance – Episode 09

Cities “. . . And what better way to get people to leave the city than a nuclear scare.” “Jesus, Eva. A nuclear plant isn’t the same as a dam.” “I know that. I’m not saying we cause a meltdown. That happens too fast, causes ecological damage, and creates panic instead of fear. Big difference.…

People: Social Structure, Government Mole, & Social Organization – Episode 08

People: Social Structure The problem with each of these systems, however, is that they are built on an “empty-world” model, which assumes infinite resources. Our world is not infinite, and we must dismantle the current system in order to create new ones based on reality. Government Moles “Do you still feel the same way about…

Revolution & Planning the Fateful Day – Episode 07

Revolution We are unsure of what the world will look like after a revolution, but with the current suffering amid such material wealth, we are willing to roll the dice. Planning the Fateful Day “Yeah, I think we’re agreed that the grid is going down,” said Becca, “but we have to look seriously at how…


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